Monday, February 4, 2019

Mayolo Celebration

Mayolo means the passing of the name. Two of Elton's uncles have passed away in recent years and the family has been waiting for a time when he has been back in the village to carry it out.  The eldest member of the village (in this case, Elton's grandmother) will choose who should be the ones to carry on the names of these 2 men that have passed. It is both the literal passing/changing of their names and the inheritance of a large responsibility to fill their shoes. I had the privilege of experiencing this unique traditional ceremony yesterday.

Starting at 8pm, family begins pouring into the village. There is a very large bonfire where people start gathering. Then sometime in the night the two that have been chosen are informed. Those chosen can be younger or older, in this case they were both 18-19 years old; one was the eldest son and the other a nephew.

At sunrise they begin again--the two young men are placed in a makeshift straw tent while everyone gathers around the closed entrance singing and dancing. This goes on for about 2 hours. They wait patiently inside throughout the time of celebratory dancing and singing just outside.
They are then covered in sheets and escorted out by two other young men to a straw mat in the center of the singing. The sheets are removed but they remain head down. A bowl is placed in front of each as the celebration continues and one by one each person comes up and greets them with their new names and gives a monetary gift. Some showed extra greeting with spitting, a form of respect here.

Next they are each presented with an axe and they walk around the village with other younger men searching for a tree to cut down as a part of their tradition. Meanwhile some of the women have been preparing some sandwiches and they all eat upon their return. It ends with the remaining elders giving them advice on this big responsibility that was just placed on them.

1 comment:

  1. This is great.too bad I didn't get the chance to meet u.I was too busy that I failed to see Jessy and the girls.
